Book Released: Occupation of the Territories-Israeli Soldier testimonies 2000-2010
Marking the tenth anniversary since the outbreak of the Second Intifada, Breaking the Silence releases a new publication: “Occupation of the Territories – Israeli Soldier Testimonies 2000-2010”
Breaking the Silence is releasing a new publication, titled “Occupation of the Territories – Israeli Soldier Testimonies 2000-2010”, as part of the organization’s wider goal of increasing Read more
Tunisia’s Deposed President — Corrupt, Anti-Democratic, and One of America’s Close Friends
January 17, 2011 — Across the Middle East and Central Asia, U.S. allies are invariably corrupt dictators, maintained in power by lavish patronage and the military.
Officially, the Obama administration greeted Tunisia’s “Jasmine Revolution”—named after that country’s national flower—with open arms, calling for free and fair elections as the United States scrambled to get aboard the democratic bandwagon. Read more
The March
The story of the human race proves time and time again that humans do to themselves what they do to others. For that, injustice is self-destructive, and the unjust are indeed unjust to themselves before being as such to others.
The March For Justice is an all-inclusive human and civil rights movement that aims to improve upon human life by furthering the causes of justice. The March stands for what we all stand for or aspire to. Read more
The Drunken Truth
The Drunken Truth
By Nidal Sakr*
Once upon a time, a man sat helpless, watching the news, reading papers, tuning his car radio to what was going on in his world. As millions of others, he witnessed carnage where scores of families, children and women, were blasted in both darkness of the night and light of the day. The massacre was perpetrated by none other than the brand-name of savagery for the last seventy-some years, so-called “Israel.” Read more